I Now Know Why I Do What I Do

Today I saw the movie, Sarah's Key http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1668200/ . Through the tears I heard in my heart an amazing message that transcends the story on the screen...I now know why I do what I do. Without giving away the storyline and plot, I will just encourage each of you to see it. I want you to gather the message that means something to you from this wonderful work of art. The message that moved me was the tremendous impact that the discovery of a family's story can have on an individual. A discovery not just affecting those who biologically are connected to the story, but the storyteller as well. This film is as much about the storyteller as it is the story itself. As a storyteller, I have found it difficult to describe the amazing feeling of connecting generations of families by uncovering and recording via live videotaped interviews the stories of the older generations. This movie provides a good description of that feeling.

Please see it for yourself and let me know what you think. My wife, Linda, read the book and has given it to me to read. I'm sure it is good, but I do not know if the impact the motion picture had on me can be surpassed. I know now, however, why I do what I do at LifeStories Alive http://www.lifestoriesalive.com/, and for that, I am grateful.